

Jul. 30 Sat. 分組賽
Category Competitions

Jul. 31 Sun. 分組賽
Category Competitions

Aug. 01 Mon. 分組賽
Category Competitions

Aug. 02 Tue. 頒獎典禮及大獎賽
Award Ceremony and Grand Prix Competition

Jul. 30 Sat.

14:00 A21 少兒組 Children Choir

① Taipei Fuhsing Private School─ Primary School Choir(Taiwan) 臺北市私立復興實驗高級中學─小學合唱團(台灣)
② NV Chorale(新加坡 Singapore)
③ National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣)
④ Yunlin Elementary School Children's Choir(Taiwan)雲林國小兒童合唱團(台灣)
⑤ Taipei Fuhsing Private School Choir(Taiwan)台北市私立復興實驗高級中學合唱團(台灣)
⑥ Serangoon Garden Secondary School Choir Grp A(新加坡 Singapore)
⑦ CCC Kei Wan Primary School (Aldrich Bay)(Hong Kong)中華基督教會基灣小學(愛蝶灣)(香港)
⑧ Serangoon Garden Secondary School Choir Grp B(新加坡 Singapore)
⑨ St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir(Hong Kong)聖保羅男女中學童聲合唱團(香港)
⑩ Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir A(新加坡 Singapore)

16:00 A22 樂齡組 Senior Choir

① Zi-En Choir(Taiwan) 建中子恩合唱團(台灣)
② Nei-Hu Community College Chamber Choir(Taiwan)內湖社區大學混聲合唱團(台灣)

16:30 B21 同聲組 Equal Voice Choir

① National Tainan First Senior High School Choir(Taiwan)國立臺南一中合唱團(台灣)
② Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)PUZANGALAN兒童合唱團(台灣)
③ Yuet Wah College Choir, Macau(Macau)澳門粵華中學合唱團(澳門)
④ Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir(Taiwan)屏中海洋男聲合唱團(台灣)
⑤ Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣)
⑥ The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣)
⑦ National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣)
⑧ Music Essence Youth Choir(Hong Kong)樂粹青年合唱團(香港)
⑨ Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)

18:30 V 虛擬合唱團組 Virtual Choir

① Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir(Taiwan)屏中海洋男聲合唱團(台灣)
② Yi-Phone Chamber Choir(Taiwan)沂風室內合唱團(台灣)
③ CLSU MAESTRO - SINGERS(菲律賓The Philippines)
④ Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)
⑤ Voices of St. Paul's Co-educational College(香港Hong Kong)

19:30 B22 混聲組 Mixed Choir

① National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣)
② Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan)國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)
③ Desheng School (International) Chamber Choir(中國 China)
④ National Chung Hsing University Choir(Taiwan)國立中興大學合唱團(台灣)
⑤ Cantabile Chorale(印尼 Indonesia)
⑥ Yi-Phone Chamber Choir(Taiwan)沂風室內合唱團(台灣)
⑦ St. Paul's Co-educational College - Senior Mixed Voice Choir(香港 Hong Kong)
⑧ Feixiang Choir(印尼 Indonesia)
⑨ Voci di Gesù Chamber Singers(菲律賓 The Philippines)
⑩ Music Essence Youth Choir(Hong Kong)樂粹青年合唱團(香港)
⑪ PSM Narawungngi Dasandriya UTY(印尼 Indonesia)
⑫ Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣)
⑬ Vocalista Harmonic Choir ISI Yogyakarta(印尼 Indonesia)

Jul. 31 SUN.

14:00 C22 當代音樂組 Contemporary Music

① Cantabile Chorale(印尼 Indonesia)
② The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣)
③ Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan)國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)
④ Music Essence Youth Choir(Hong Kong)樂粹青年合唱團(香港)
⑥ Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣)
⑦ Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir B(新加坡 Singapore)
⑧ Sacred Heart Canossian College Choir(Macau)嘉諾撒聖心英文中學(澳門)
⑨ National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣)
⑩ St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir(Hong Kong)聖保羅男女中學童聲合唱團(香港)
⑪ Pingtung Senior High School Ocean's Sound Choir(Taiwan)屏中海洋男聲合唱團(台灣)
⑫ Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣)
⑬ Convent of the Holy Infant Jesus Choir A(新加坡 Singapore)
⑭ National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣)
⑮ St. Joseph's College Chamber Boys' Choir(Hong Kong)聖若瑟書院室內男聲合唱團(香港)

16:30 C23 重唱及小型合唱團 Vocal Ensemble

① St. Paul's Co-educational College Treble Choir(香港 Hong Kong)
② St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - Mixed Voice Ensemble(香港 Hong Kong)
③ St. Paul's Co-educational College Senior Mixed Voice Choir - Girls' Ensemble(香港 Hong Kong)
④ Voci di Gesù Chamber Singers(菲律賓 The Philippines)

17:30 O 開放曲目組 Open Category

① National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan) 台大合唱團(台灣)
② Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan)國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)
③ CHUMMY CHOIR(香港Hong Kong)
④ National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣)
⑤ Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣)
⑥ Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣)

AUG. 01 MON.

14:00 C21 民謠 / 傳統音樂組 Ethnic / Traditional Music

① SURIA CHOIR(Malaysia)陽光合唱團(馬來西亞)
② National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣)
③ Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)PUZANGALAN兒童合唱團(台灣)
④ The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣)
⑤ National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣)
⑥ Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)
⑦ PSM Narawungngi Dasandriya UTY(印尼 Indonesia)
⑧ Nibun Chorus(Taiwan)尼布恩合唱團(台灣)
⑨ Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣)
⑩ Sinapalan Elementary School - Sinapalan Choir(Taiwan)希娜巴嵐國小合唱團(台灣)

16:00 T 台灣作品組 Taiwanese Compositions

① Taipei Ladies Singers(Taiwan)迎曦女聲(台灣)
② National Tainan First Senior High School Choir(Taiwan) 國立臺南一中合唱團(台灣)
③ CHUMMY CHOIR(香港 Hong Kong)
④ Y.S. Chorus(Taiwan) 國立陽明交通大學友聲合唱團(台灣)
⑤ National Nanke International Experimental High School - Elementary Department Choir(Taiwan)國立南科國際實驗高級中學國小部合唱團(台灣)
⑥ Halo Choir(Taiwan)微光合唱團(台灣)
⑦ The Octangle Male Choir(Taiwan)八角塔男聲合唱團(台灣)
⑧ Puzangalan Children's Choir(Taiwan)PUZANGALAN兒童合唱團(台灣)
⑨ National Taiwan University Chorus(Taiwan)台大合唱團(台灣)
⑩ Yi-Phone Chamber Choir(Taiwan)沂風室內合唱團(台灣)

17:30 大獎賽入圍團隊公告 Grand Prix Finalist Announcement

AUG. 02 TUE.

19:30 大獎賽 Grand Prix Competition

21:00 頒獎典禮 Award Ceremony

The final schedule may be adjusted according to the actual registration status.
Performances of every participating choir will be live streamed on TICF YouTube channel during the competition.
The Schedule is subjected to change.