
  • 1. 2022 台北國際合唱大賽歡迎世界各地合唱團報名。
    2022 TICC is open to choirs from all over the world.

    2. 請仔細閱讀各組別規則:人數、年齡限制、影片規範、聲部類別、曲目數量及類別。
    Please read carefully the conditions related to each category: the number of singers, age limit, rules of videos, the number of songs, voice type and song type, etc.

    3. 參賽隊伍可報名組別無上限,每組別演唱曲目不能重複。
    The choir may register for more than one category. The repertoire for each category must be different.

    4. 報名有年齡限制之組別的合唱團,若上台人員和報名表提交名單資料不同,將被視為資格不符並取消參賽資格,且不退費。
    A choir participating in a category with an age limit is liable to be disqualified without any refund if there is a difference between the official letter and the appearance on stage or any other factual aspects.

  • 1. 影片需為2019-2022年間拍攝之現場演出或彩排影片,錄影器材不限。
    The video MUST be recorded within 2019-2022, live at concerts or rehearsals. There are, however, no equipment limitations for taking the video itself.

    2. 影片總長度以10分鐘為限。如參賽隊伍超過演出時間,總分將會依據超出時間扣分。
    The video lasts a maximum of 10 minutes. In case of performance time excess, points will be deducted from the choir’s overall score.

    3. 影片聲音不得經過混音,影片內容不得製作字幕、浮水印等後製。
    The video MUST be recorded without the aid of audio post-production. Please do not fill subtitles, trailers, watermarks, or narration in the video.
    Virtual Choir category excluded.

    4. 團隊自身需擁有影片版權,主辦單位不負責處理版權問題。
    The video MUST be owned by the choir itself which therefore holds the rights.

    5. 不得使用曾參與2021台北國際合唱大賽之影片參賽。
    Only videos that have not yet been published on 2021 TICC are allowed to participate in the competitions.

    6. 影片限定 .mp4格式,並透過WeTransfer繳交影片。
    The video MUST be in .mp4 format. Please send the video(s) through WeTransfer.

  • 1. 參賽曲目若不符合該組規定,主辦單位有權更改參賽隊伍組別。
    The committee reserves the right to change the participation category if the repertoire that is presented does not meet the requirements of the selected category.

    2. 參賽隊伍需繳交一份樂譜(限PDF檔)
    Participants MUST submit the music score. (PDF File)

    3. 樂譜務必使用五線譜。
    The scores must conform to internationally recognized sheet music standards (five lines staff).

    4. 除鋼琴之外最多可使用三項樂器。不得使用伴唱帶和任何電子擴音及音響系統。
    In addition to the piano, a maximum of three instruments can be used. Pre-recorded accompaniment tracks and electronic amplifying devices are not allowed.

  • 1. 根據分數,頒發金獎、銀獎、銅獎。若參賽隊伍分數未達標準,仍頒發電子參賽證書。
    According to the score, Gold, Silver, and Bronze Diplomas will be awarded. The choir who does not achieve a diploma will receive a Certificate of Participation(PDF File).

    2. 合唱團獲得金獎並為該組別最高分,將成為分組冠軍;頒發電子證書乙張與獎金新台幣壹萬元整
    Choirs who achieve a Gold Diploma with the highest score in each category will be named “Category Winner”, and will be awarded a Certificate(PDF File) and a Cash Award of TWD $10,000*.

    3. 評審團將自A,B,C組中提名決定大獎賽參賽團隊。
    The jury will nominate the choirs for Grand Prix Competition from Category A,B,C.

    4. 於大獎賽獲得評審團最多票數之參賽隊伍,將成為大獎賽總冠軍,並頒發電子證書乙張與獎金新台幣拾萬元整。
    The choir with the most votes in the Grand Prix Competition will be named “Grand Prix Champion”, and will be awarded a Certificate(PDF File) and a Cash Award of TWD $100,000

    5. 評審團將額外評選出「傑出指揮獎」...等特別獎項。
    Additional special prizes, such as “Outstanding Conductor”, will be awarded upon juries’ nomination.

    *The Cash Award will be given after taxes are paid in accordance with the law. The tax rate is 10% for Taiwan residents and 20% for foreigners.

  • 採100分制,評分標準如下:
    Each choir will be assessed on a 100-point scale based on the following criteria:

    (A) 音準 Intonation
    (B) 聲音表現,包括音質、技巧、平衡與融合度
    Vocal Performance, including Sound Quality, Vocal Technique, Balance, Blending, and other vocal aspects
    (C) 對作品的忠實度,包括節奏,咬字,表情和其他音樂要求
    Fidelity to the Score, including Rhythm, Diction, Expression, and other Musical Requirements
    (D) 整體藝術表現,包括風格,詮釋,音樂技巧,選曲等等
    Overall Artistic Impression, including Style, Interpretation, Musicianship, Programming, and beyond

    For criteria (A) and (C), the jury will evaluate the performance of each piece individually.

    For criteria (B) and (D), the jury will evaluate the overall performance of the whole repertoire.

    The Final Score will be the mean average of the Total Points by the jury members.

    In case a choir exceeds the maximum performance time, the final score will be reduced by 1 point per 10 seconds.


    Gold Diploma: 85.00 points and above
    Silver Diploma: 70.00 to 84.99 points
    Bronze Diploma: 60.00 to 69.99 points
    Certificate of Participation: 59.99 points and below