Registration Information
Registration Fee
Registration fee is the gross amount of Group and Individual Fee.
團體:TWD 10,000元/組,參賽隊伍最多可報名三個組別
Group: TWD 10,000 per category. Each choir is allowed to register in maximum three categories.
個人:TWD 1,000元/人,無論報名幾組,每位參賽者僅需繳交一次個人費
Individual: TWD 1,000 per person. Each member only needs to pay Individual Fee once.
The individual fee qualifies the person to participate in the competition. In addition, the individual will receive a Competition Pass, a Competition Program Book, a T-shirt, and a Tote Bag.
早鳥優惠:2018.01.31前報名,可享一組團體半價優惠TWD 5,000元
Early bird: Each choir receives TWD 5,000 discount on group fee for one category if register before Jan 31, 2018.
Deadline for Registration
早鳥優惠截止 Early bird discount: Jan. 31, 2018
報名截止日期 Registration deadline: Mar. 31, 2018
Steps of registration
Please send Registration Form, Credit Card Payment Authorization, Biography and Photo of the choir, and Biography and Photo of the conductor via email. And submit original music scores by express mail service .主辦單位回傳報名確認信及邀請函。
TICC committee will send confirmation and invitation letter.主辦單位確認曲目符合報名組別要求後,回傳曲目確認信,並請團隊指揮簽名後回傳。
TICC committee will confirm the repertoire and send confirmation letter. Please email back the confirmation letter with conductor’s signature.2018年6月底,主辦單位寄發最後確認函,確認所有賽事報到、彩排和比賽時間。
TICC committee will send final confirmation including competition schedule at the end of June, 2018.