購票資訊 Tickets

分組賽 Category Competition
7.31 Wed. & 8.01 Thu.

單日券:現場購票 200元
Day Pass: TWD 200

If the seats are full, please follow the guide of the staff.

1. 參賽團隊與音樂營學員憑證入場。
TICC participating choirs and TICF participants are admitted to enter the venue by showing the Competition Passes and the Student Badges.

2. 一般民眾憑券入場。
Audiences are admitted to enter the venue by showing the Day Passes.

3. 單日券可於比賽當日在松怡廳2F現場購買
Day Passes are available at 2F, Song-Yi Hall on Competition Day.

4. 本次分組賽事將有現場直播,請鎖定facebook粉絲專頁資訊。
The Category Competitions will be live-streamed, please refer to the post on the Facebook fan page.

❐ 地點 Venue|東吳大學松怡廳[外雙溪校區]Soochow University Song-Yi Hall
111 台北市士林區臨溪路 70 號 No.70, Linhsi Road, Shihlin District, Taipei 111, Taiwan